Pushkin Museum
Pushkin Museum
In Odessa in Pushkinskaya street 13 there is a literature-memorial museum of Pushkin. At the very beginning of XIXth century this house was owned by French merchant Charles Sikkard. It was one of the first hotels in young city — «Hotel du Nord». After coming to Odessa on the 3d of July, Pushkin was staying in this hotel where he spent one month.
The street, where the great poet was living was named Italian before, and it was given Pushkin’s name only in 1880, and above the gates of the house the memorial plague «Pushkin was living here» was placed.
In 1959 it was decided by provincial government to set up the memorial museum of Pushkin. The museum was opened in two years.

From first days the museum became one of the most visited, although its exposition was placed in two rooms only. The collection of the museum was growing constantly. Many famous researchers , writers and collectors passed rare books, engrawings, paintings, furniture of the past.
For its 50 years existence the museum became larger. To 200 year anniversairy of the poet the new museum exposition was created where Odessa period was shown fully with all friends and love lines, the difficulties of the service.
Tthere are exhibitions halls in the museum and a cycle of lessons «Pushkin’s Muzeon» is held.
13 Pushkinskaya street,
Odessa, Ukraine, 65026
+38 (048) 722-74-53
+38 (048) 725-11-34
[email protected]
Work time
Opening hours: 10.00-17.00
Monday off